Tuesday, 29 April 2014

Japan Defies Whaling Ban Again

Japan will say killing in its own backyard is not 'openly defying' the ICJ's recent ruling! At $US100.00 a pound in Japan, whale meat from one Minke whale could have a retail value of up to $US1 million! This, not scientific purposes is the real reason! Go get 'em Sea Shepherd!
Murray Kibblewhite
The Minke Connection 
Read more here

Saturday, 5 April 2014

Amazing Win for Whales: Japan’s Annual Hunt Ruled Illegal

Yes we're with you Greenpeace jumping for joy as there is likely to be no whaling in the Southern Ocean this summer. The first time since 1904. I hope the whales and dolphins realise this as well!
Murray Kibblewhite
The Minke Connection
Read more here

Friday, 4 April 2014

Japan cancels whale hunts for 2014

Maybe this ruling was wanted by Japan so they could withdraw  with the minimum of loss of face! But we have to be vigilant and make sure they don't come through another door under some trumped up scientific reason in some other part of the world! If so we could send in John Daroux to sort them out! 
Murray Kibblewhite
The Minke Connection

Tuesday, 1 April 2014

Japan's Whaling Programme Deemed Illegal!

At last reason takes over fake scientific bull shit. No doubt some Japanese will cry at the lack of whale meat available from their local fish market. But if they become vegetarian or better still, vegan, then the planet will become a better place for all of us to live in! Congratulations Australia for making this happen. And congratulations Greenpeace and Sea Shepherd for all your efforts over many years.
Murray Kibblewhite
The Minke Connection